Balanced Ligamentous Tension has been welcomed with interest by osteopaths worldwide who seek to work precisely but with patient comfort and safety. As well as giving technical guidance and acting as a reference, this book seeks to nurture understanding of the reciprocal relationship between structural integrity and healthy function in the body.
An illustrated textbook on osteopathic cranial manipulation techniques, for the beginning to intermediate student or practitioner and companion to the 40hr basic cranial course. Advanced practitioners will also find it useful.
Interface is a crucial text that considers Dr. A.T. Still's philosophy of the inseparable unity of body, mind, and spirit, forming a model for osteopathy's approach to healing.. ISBN 978-0-9675851-3-0
Life In Motion is a collection of Dr. Becker’s writings and lectures based on his studies with William Sutherland, D.O. addressing the question, What is “health” and what is the most efficient and effective way to help bring it about? ISBN 978-0-9675851-0-9
The Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation has reprinted this first edition of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field in its original form - the only edition personally approved by William Garner Sutherland, D.O. First published in 1951, this reprint is a faithful reproduction of the original.
A groundbreaking, quantum leap forward in osteopathic philosophy and practice. With an in-depth exploration of cardiovascular research, embryologic perspectives, and physiologic understanding it opens a door to far-reaching clinical applications.
A groundbreaking, quantum leap forward in osteopathic philosophy and practice. With an in-depth exploration of cardiovascular research, embryologic perspectives, and physiologic understanding it opens a door to far-reaching clinical applications.