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Orianne Evans, DO (UK)

Orianne Evans, DO (UK),  is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA and the European School of Osteopathy, Maidstone, UK. She completed her internship at the general clinic at the European School of Osteopathy, Maidstone, UK. She currently practices at her private practice in Boulder, CO.  She has extensive additional training through post-graduate courses taken internationally and the US, including courses with the OCA, AAO, SCCO-UK, and VOD-Germany. She has been very actively involved in post-graduate osteopathic teaching since 1992, in the UK, US and Germany, including at the SCCO-UK, OCA Annual Conference, AAO, VOD-Germany, TUCOM, NECOM and UAAO and the European School of Osteopathy.

Product Type
Live In-Person

Rule of the Artery and Vein 1 (ROA1)

Total Credits: 24 including 24 AOA Category 1-A

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Maxwell Fraval, LLB, DO (UK), MOsteoSc(Paed) |  Dr. Kathy Gill, MD |  Orianne Evans, DO (UK) |  Dr. R. Paul Lee, DO, FAAO, FCA |  Alistair C. Moresi, Bach.App.Sc.(Osteo) |  Dr. Ilene M Spector, DO, FCA
24 Hours Duration and 24 Hrs AOA Category 1-A CME

Wed, Jun 25, 2025 - 08:00am to Fri, Jun 27, 2025 - 05:00pm PDT

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