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Introduction to Osteopathic Manipulation and its Principles

Total Credits: 22 including 22 AOA Category 1-A

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Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
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Dr. Mitch Hiserote, DO |  Dr. Ray J. Hruby, DO, MS, FAAO (Dist)
22 Hours Duration and 22 Hrs AOA Category 1-A CME
Program Access:
Not Applicable



Introduction to Osteopathic Manipulation and its Principles

Course Director: Mitchell Hiserote, DO

Core Faculty (in chronological order):

-  Mitchell Hiserote, DO
-  Raymond J. Hruby, DO, MS, FAAO (Dist)

Instructional Format: Live, in-person training with lecture and lab format

Date: April 4-6, 2025
Time: 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM PST (daily)
Cost: $1,320 (Register here)
Location: Osteopathic Center San Diego (OCSD)
3706 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123

Lodging: Hilton Garden Inn Mission Valley/Stadium
3805 Murphy Canyon Rd, San Diego, CA 92123
Hotel booking link here

CME Sponsor

Osteopathy’s Promise to Children
Activity Website

Statement of Need

There is a growing demand from physicians both inside and outside of the osteopathic profession to learn about or improve upon their skills in osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT). In addition, there is demand to teach the fundamental principles and philosophical basis for the practice of osteopathic medicine.  This course is intended to help fill this need.

Course Description

This course in Osteopathic Principles and Practices is a hands-on introductory course designed for physicians who have had little or no training in Osteopathic Principles and Practices (OPP) and the application of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) - but have a sincere interest in gaining the initial skills and perspective to clinically apply OMT to a wide range of patient complaints. Additionally, this course will support DO physicians who feel that their Osteopathic skills and perspective would be beneficially enhanced through a fundamental review. Course faculty include two highly experienced educators in Osteopathic Principles and Practice who have both held OPP department Chair positions at their respective Osteopathic Colleges. 

The Introduction to Osteopathic Manipulation and its Principles course provides a combination of didactic presentations, demonstrations, and hands-on experiences to introduce the principles and skills involved in osteopathic structural diagnosis, and treatment of somatic dysfunctions amenable to OMT. Emphasis will be placed on the application and integration of osteopathic principles and practices (OPP) into an inclusive health care paradigm.

Target Audience

The course is designed for:

-  Practicing physicians

-  Resident physicians

-  Dentists

-  Current medical students

-  International osteopaths and international osteopathic students


The course is open to practicing MD/DOs in the US and MD/DO students and residents in the US in good standing enrolled in approved programs leading to such degrees. International osteopaths and osteopathic students are invited to apply (contact 


Participants should have a basic understanding of osteopathic principles, including fundamental anatomy and physiology.

CME Information

Osteopathy’s Promise to Children (OPC) is accredited by the American Osteopathic Association to provide osteopathic continuing medical education for physicians. OPC designates this activity for a maximum of 21.75 AOA Category 1-A CME credits. CME and specialty credits will be reported commensurate with the extent of the physician’s participation in this activity.

Interactive Learning: OPC courses allow participants to ask questions of the presenter in real-time.

Cancelation and Refund Policy

OPC reserves the right to change the delivery format, delay, or cancel a CME event due to unforeseen circumstances. If an event is canceled, OPC will refund your registration fee in full. OPC is not responsible for travel, hotel, or other costs incurred by the registrant.

Substitutions: Participants may transfer their registration to another CME event at no additional cost by emailing

Refunds: Refunds will be issued for cancelations received two weeks prior to the event, minus a $100 administrative fee. “No shows” are subject to the full event fee.

Cancelation Requests: Email requests to No refunds or credits will be issued once the CME event has started.

Liability Release and Waiver

Participation in this course may involve physical activity, including contact with faculty and other participants. Physical diagnostics and manual therapeutics may carry risks of injury or aggravation of pre-existing conditions. All participants agree to assume full responsibility and risk for any losses or damages, including bodily injury, death, or property damage, arising from their participation in the course.


Dr. Mitch Hiserote, DO's Profile

Dr. Mitch Hiserote, DO Related Seminars and Products

Dr. Hiserote, DO, is a graduate of Western University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Pomona, CA., and is board certified in Neuromusculoskeletal Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine from the American Osteopathic Board of Neuromuscular Medicine. Additionally, he holds Osteopathic Cranial Academy Certification of Proficiency, and is a Midwestern University Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine Costin scholar.  Dr. Hiserote is a veteran director of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field courses at the Osteopathy’s Promise to Children and internationally. He has served as Associate Professor/past Chairman of the Touro University California College of Osteopathic Medicine - Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM) Department. and currently practices osteopathy in his private office in Sebastopol, CA. His Memberships include: American Osteopathic Association (AOA), American Academy of Osteopathy (AAO), Osteopathic Cranial Academy (OCA), Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM), Sonoma Mendocino Lake Medical Association (SMLM).

Dr. Ray J. Hruby, DO, MS, FAAO (Dist)'s Profile

Dr. Ray J. Hruby, DO, MS, FAAO (Dist) Related Seminars and Products

Dr. Raymond J. Hruby, DO, MS, FAAO (Dist) is a graduate of the College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery in Des Moines, Iowa. He is board certified in Family Medicine/OMT by the American Board of Osteopathic Family Practice and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine by the American Osteopathic Board on Special Proficiency in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine. Dr. Hruby completed a traditional internship at Osteopathic Hospital of Maine, Portland, ME and was in private practice for sixteen years. Retired as professor and chair of the Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine at COMP, he continues consulting with the school’s Department of NMM/OMM on teaching, research, curriculum analysis and development, new faculty mentorships and Predoctoral OMM Fellows. He is involved with WUHS’s Interprofessional Education program, and lectures part-time in the Graduate School of Basic Medical Sciences, among others. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Osteopathy and a member of the American Osteopathic Association, American Academy of Osteopathy, American College of Osteopathic Family Practitioners, Osteopathic Cranial Academy, Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of California, Memberships: AOA, AAO. ACOFP, OCA, OPSC. Cranial proficiency (OCA).


Hotel Information

Hotel Booking Link


HILTON GARDEN INN San Diego Mission Valley/Stadium
3805 Murphy Canyon Road, San Diego, CA 92123

Block of rooms are reserved for this course at a rate of $199 plus tax per night.
Booking link tba.

Make your reservation now! 

Hotel Information Flier and About San Diego
