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[CORK Pre-Event] Beyond Boundaries: Osteopathic Medicine for Preterm Infants

Total Credits: 24 including 24 AOA Category 1-A

Topic Areas:
Pediatric |  OMT and Research
OMM |  Pediatric |  Research
Francesco Cerritelli, MSc, DO, PhD |  Andrea Manzotti, FT, DO
24 Hours Duration and 24 Hrs AOA Category 1-A CME
Program Access:
Not Applicable
New York Institute of Technology – Long Island Campus - Old Westbury, New York



Course Description
Welcome to our immersive course, "Beyond Boundaries: Osteopathic Medicine for preterm infants" designed for osteopathic practitioners seeking advanced insights into providing care for preterm infants both in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and outside the hospital. This initial course will delve into key topics such as the NAME index, specific challenges in the NICU, diverse conditions treated with Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT), and considerations for varying gestational ages. This hands-on course aims to empower participants with practical skills and theoretical knowledge to enhance the care provided to infants in the NICU and outside the hospital in a transformative, clinical-, research- based learning experience at the intersection of osteopathic medicine and neonatal care.

Educational Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this activity, learners will be able to:
1. Describe the neonatal assessment manual scorE (NAME) for improving the clinical management of infants and how to apply it in clinical practice, with special attention to osteopathic care. 
2. Recognize challenges and barriers to providing osteopathic care/OMT in the neonatal intensive care unit. 
3. Summarize the literature that supports the use of utilizing osteopathic medicine on preterm infants including specific indications as well as larger societal implications (e.g. reduced LOS in NICU).
4. Demonstrate specific osteopathic techniques that are beneficial in the preterm population including modifications and unique considerations for their developing anatomy.  

Target Audience
Medical physicians (DO or MD); Resident physicians (DO or MD); Medical students currently enrolled at a US AOA-approved college of osteopathic medicine; International osteopaths, under certain conditions.  Contact for more information.

No prerequisites for the target audience




Francesco Cerritelli, MSc, DO, PhD's Profile

Francesco Cerritelli, MSc, DO, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Dr. Francesco Cerritelli, MSc, DO, PhD is a graduate of the University of l'Aquila in Italy, received his diploma of osteopathy from the Accademia Italiana Osteopatia Tradizionale, in Pescara, Italy, received a master’s in public health from the Imperial College London in the United Kingdom, and received his doctorate in neuroscience and imaging from the University of Chieti. He has been in private practice for over fifteen years. He was a research fellow on the cardiovascular research project in Chieti, Italy from 2004-6. He served as the Director of the Research Department of the Accademia Italiana Osteopatia Tradizionale from 2009-2017 and lectured there on neuroscience and osteopathic clinical evaluation and technique. He has also lectured on cranial-sacral techniques at the International College of Osteopathic Medicine in Milan, Italy.  Dr. Cerritelli lectured on Research, Epidemiology, Statistics, Pediatrics at Malta Icom Educational. He was the President of the European Institute for Evidence Based Osteopathic Medicine from 2009 - 2014. He is the President of C.O.ME., the Centre for the Osteopathic Medicine Collaboration,  ONLUS Foundation. He is a research fellow for the Australian Research Center in Complementary & Integrative Medicine (ARCCIM) – University of Technology Sidney – Australia. Since 2011 to the present, he serves as a scientific reviewer of Cochrane, the Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Plos One, International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine and the Journal of American Osteopathic Association. He is the author of several papers published in peer-reviewed journals and more than 50 conference proceedings. PubMed and Scholar Google.

Andrea Manzotti, FT, DO's Profile

Andrea Manzotti, FT, DO Related Seminars and Products

Andrea Manzotti, Osteopath, FT, DO, holds a Master's degree in Biostatistics for Clinical Research and Scientific Publication. He graduated from the University of Padua with a Master’s level in Biostatistics and from Issa, USA with a Master of Fitness and Science. He then graduated from the University of Milan as a rehabilitation therapist. He then graduated from the Italian Osteopathic Institute. He has been a Physiotherapist since 1990 and Osteopath since 1997, specializing in sports and neonatal/pediatric fields. He has been a practicing pediatric osteopath for over a decade at the Vittore Buzzi Children’s Hospital in Milan where he works in the intensive care department as a clinician and head of osteopathic research.. He is a founding member and lecturer at the SOMA - Milan Osteopathy Institute. He also lectures for the two-year Master's degree in osteopathic medicine at the University of Ferrara for pediatric disciplines in 2017/2019. He teaches pediatrics students at the Osteopathic Center for Children in London. Committed to the dissemination of osteopathy in the various fields of specialist medicine, he is a speaker at numerous conferences in the pediatric-neonatological and dental fields. He is the author of two books in the pediatric field and 8 publications in indexed scientific journals.


Day 1: Foundations and Challenges in NICU Care

- Morning Session:

  - Welcome and Course Overview

  - Promoting Research in Osteopathic Care for Preterm Infants

  - Introduction to Osteopathic Considerations for Preterm Infants


- Afternoon Session:

- Challenges in Treating Preterm Infants in the NICU

- Hands-on: Practicing different types of touch in simulated environments

- Understanding the NAME Index and its Clinical Applications

  - Hands-on: Practicing NAME in simulated environments


Day 2: Techniques and Assessments

- Morning Session:

  - Conditions Treated with OMT in the NICU and outside the NICU

  - Gestational Age-Specific Considerations in OMT

  - Hands-on: Integrating Osteopathic Techniques

- Afternoon Session:

- Assessment Considerations: Working around lines, vents, and other medical equipment

- Hands-on: Assessment

  - Developmental Considerations and Neurologic Exams in Varying Gestational Ages

  - Hands-on: Practicing OMT techniques in simulated environments


Day 3: Research, Follow-Up, and Specialized Conditions

- Morning Session:

  - NICU Follow-Up: Insights and Strategies

- Addressing Specific Preemie Conditions with OMT (ROP, NEC, BPD, etc.)

- Hands-on: specific conditions


- Afternoon Session:

- Addressing Specific Preemie Conditions with OMT (ROP, NEC, BPD, etc.)

- Hands-on: specific conditions

- Sharing Best Practices and Collaborative Opportunities

  - Course Conclusion

Event Location

New York Institute of Technology – Long Island Campus

Northern Boulevard at Valentines Lane, Old Westbury, New York 11568, United States
(516) 686-1000