The Rule of The Artery and Vein 2: Session 1

Course Description

This course involves the investigation of the heart and vasculature and the fluid dynamics of the blood. Additionally the course explores the interface between the heart, the primary respiratory mechanism and the autonomic nervous system. Study of the cardiovascular system leads to the consideration of the heart as more than a pump. This course will explore the concept of the heart as a hydrodynamic and electromagnetic generator, qualities which are then imparted to the blood. The role of the heart in the integration of mind, body and spirit is also considered.

Course Objectives
Andrew Taylor Still, MD, DO, the founder of Osteopathy, made the pronouncement, “The rule of the artery is universal.” His student, William Garner Sutherland, DO said, “The rule of the artery is supreme; the CSF is in command.” This course, developed by osteopaths in Australia and New Zealand, seeks to teach these principles and the requisite skills for Osteopaths to evince these truths using osteopathic palpatory diagnosis and treatment. The student of this course will learn:
1. How to palpate the flow of blood in the heart and arteries.
2. The quality of spiral flow and turbulent flow.
3. The embryology and anatomy of the cardiovascular system.
4. The routes of venous return and the quality of that palpated blood flow.
5. The anatomy of the lymphatics and palpating that flow.
6. The anatomy of the heart, lungs and mediastinum.
7. How the heart is a generator, the brain a battery, and the autonomic nervous
system the intermediary.

Target Audience
This course is for osteopathic and medical physicians only (DO/MD).

Must show proof of satisfactory completion of an ROA1 course in a previous year. Email proof to The ROA faculty requests a commitment from those taking ROA 2 for the first time to take the course in-person when that is feasible.